The Kerala Police Cyber Cell arrested two youths on charges of circulating an e-mail, which contained a picture of a palatial mansion, wrongly attributed to CPM Politburo member and State Secretary Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan. The arrested were Manoj, employed in Nigeria is on leave and now in Kerala and Karthik, a student. They were booked under Section 66 (A) of the I T Act 2008, which said sending offensive messages through electronic means was punishable. This is the first ever case registered in Kerala under the amended Information Technology Act. Now the Kerala Police Cyber Cell is trying to find out the source of the mail. The duo were arrested on charges of forwarding the mail after adding some captions and forwarded to nearly 3 lakhs addresses. These arrests would send a strong message to all those who forward spontaneously malevolent e-mails to others, said Cyber Cell DySP.
Courtsey : The Indian Express daily dated 23rd November 2009